BSA Analyst

70%-- Processing Yellow Hammer
Review alerts from Yellow Hammer for entire bank to identify suspicious activity or transactions that are not in line with the customer’s occupation or business line.  All alerts must be cleared if there is a reasonable explanation, clear with action to create an exception or sent to case to initiate an investigation by the system generated suspense date. All alert actions must be completely documented why that action was taken including contacting front line staff for information.
20%--High Risk/Enhanced Due Diligence/CTR Review and filing
Assist the BSA Officer in completing any high risk EDD reports that are required.
Review teller transaction reports and complete Currency Transaction Reports daily for FinCEN filing.
                        10% -- OFAC/FinCEN 314a. Regulatory examination and audit
Perform OFAC/FinCEN 314a scan of database and resolve potential matches.
Assist the BSA officer with gathering all documentation requested for a regulatory examination or intern/external audit.
BAI Training